
Last Updated on: 22nd August 2023, 03:33 pm

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Rescue
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86, x86_64, ARMHF, PowerPC
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia: Finnix
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: active
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Finnix

Finnix – a small, text based rescue CD based on Debian GNU/Linux, targeted to system administrators. Finnix works in Live mode, but it can be installed on your computer’s hard drive. The Live system can be started from a CD, USB flash drive and via the network (PXE).

Finnix includes tools for disk partitioning, network traffic monitoring, boot record repair and installation of other operating systems.

Finnix is built on Debian from the testing branch and is available for i386, amd64, armhf and powerpc machines.

The Finnix Live image also includes the FreeDOS system.

The project was started in 1999, with its first public release in March 2000, making it one of the oldest LiveCDs (predated by DemoLinux and immediately preceded by the Linuxcare Bootable Toolbox).
The project developer is Ryan Finnie.

After 5 years of break, in May 14, 2020 a new version of Finnix 120 released.

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