EON ZFS Storage

Last Updated on: 6th August 2023, 10:47 am

Web site: eonstorage.blogspot.com
Origin: unknown
Category: Server
Desktop environment: ?
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: OpenSolaris
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 010817 | December 6, 2019

EON ZFS Storage – an embedded Operating system/Networking (EON), RAM based live ZFS NAS appliance.

EON turns your hardware and disks, into an enterprise featured ZFS storage appliance. It is the first embedded Solaris ZFS (Zettabyte File System) NAS (Network Attached Storage) distribution based on OpenSolaris.

It is a memory (RAM) based live/install image which runs from CD/DVD, USB or CF (compact flash) and Disk on Module. EON delivers a high performance 32/64-bit storage solution built on ZFS, using regular/consumer disks which eliminates the use of costly RAID arrays, controllers and volume management software.

EON focuses on using a small memory footprint so it can run from RAM while maximizing the remaining free memory (L1 ARC) for ZFS performance. Running from RAM adds the advantage of being one hard disk greener in power consumption and removes the OS install disk as a point of failure. And if your hardware fails, no costly measures are needed to get your data. Simply attach the disks to another machine and with a ZFS capable operating system or EON.

– Simple and Secure CLI (command line interface) administration. Future web-based graphical/browser user interface administration
– Supports ZFS, iSCSI (target and client initiator), NFS, CIFS (Sun Microsystems Implementation) or Samba, SFTP, SSH, NTP, IP filtering, Rsync
– Supported RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-10, RAID-Z, RAID-Z2, RAID-Z3
– Supports client OS, Windows 200x/XP/Vista, 7, Mac OS X(Leopard, Snow Leopard, LION), Unix and Linux
– Transparent in-band, dynamic filesystem compression (LZJB or GZIP algorithms)
– Capable of expanding the zpool by expanding each disk in the pool (since snv_117)
– Thin provisioned (green) file systems
– Unlimited files, links, directories and snapshots versions(also known as version-ing or read only clones/copies)
– Copy-On-Write (writable) clones
– Link aggregation (teaming network interfaces)
– User Groups and Quotas
– IPfilter module and application to control/restrict network access.
– DTrace, Perl and PHP
– Deduplication (since EON 0.59.9/snv 129)
– Hot spares
– SSD acceleration

user: admin pass: eonstore
user: root pass: eonsolaris

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