
Last Updated on: 10th November 2023, 04:47 pm

Web site:
Origin: unknown
Category: Workstation, Embedded
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: ARM, x86_64
Based on: SpiderOS
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 2009

ConstellationOS – a super-light, SpiderOS based OS designed for speed on modern hardware.

Easily and quickly build OpenWrt custom images (e.g. for your embedded device our Raspberry PI) using a self-contained docker container and the OpenWrt image builder. On the builder host, Docker or podman/buildah (for dockerless operation) is the only requirement. Supports latest OpenWrt release (21.02.0).

The OpenWrt-dockerbuilder uses pre-compiled packages to build the final image. Look here if you are looking for a docker images to compile OpenWrt completely from source.

– customized and optimized (size) images with your personal configurations
– full automatic image creation (could be run in CI)
– reproducable results
– easy configuration, fast build (in minutes)

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