Blag Linux and GNU

Last Updated on: 14th May 2023, 10:43 am

Web site:
Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: MATE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Fedora
Wikipedia: Blag Linux and GNU
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 140000 | May 4, 2011
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Blag Linux and GNU

Blag Linux and GNU – a Linux distribution based on Fedora, and offers as a single live CD media.

Comparing Blag to Fedora, it contains an additional set of applications missing from graphics, internet, audio, video, office, and others.
BLAG is based on Fedora plus updates, adds applications from Dag, Dries, Freshrpms, NewRPMS, and own packages.

BLAG is one of the few operating systems listed as a completely free software distribution by the Free Software Foundation.
It is made by the Brixton Linux Action Group.

The latest stable version of Blag 14000 was released in 2011.
The last testing version 20000 Alpha was released in 2014.

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