
Last Updated on: 28th October 2023, 12:54 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: Workstation
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Gentoo
Media: Install
The last version | Released: September 2017

AnthillaOS – a Gentoo based appliance operating system. It can be used to build a normal, standalone appliance, or can be used to build structured and/or destructured Clusters in High Availability and Fault Tolerance.

Anthilla OS aims to be a complete Linux System image to serve HA and FT services distributed and replicated (virtualized or not) with a primary focus on bypass the real problem of any “System” (System in general sense),the drift towards chaos.

This, simply Using and without structural modification or package forks or custom developments, we want to use a normal Linux (recompiled Gentoo, with Genkernel kernel images, like System Rescue CD, or Sabayon) System, as custom Linux embedded System readonly as possible, separating configurations, and Data leaving System image untouched.

Using heavily Systemd and looking to CoreOS and Android, CyanogenMod, or Network Appliances Custom application can be added (we suggest, as additional image) on the Boot Volume BootExt and loaded at boot with some pluggable runlevel (thanks systemd)

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