Window Maker Live

Last Updated on: 10th August 2023, 06:33 pm

Web site:
Origin: Spain
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Window Maker
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 0.95.9-0 | August 10, 2023
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Window Maker Live

Window Maker Live – an installable Linux live CD/ISO, and is based Debian GNU/Linux.

While its main purpose is to provide a show case for the Window Maker window manager, which serves as its default graphical user interface and therefore has received special preconfiguration care, it can also be considered as an alternative installation CD for Debian/Wheezy. As such, wmlive is fully compatible with and relies on the official Debian/Wheezy repositories for security updates and bug fixes.

The live system contains some pre-installed applications such as: Pidgin instant messenger, Firefox web browser, Thunderbird email and news client, Seahorse password manager, Mousepad text editor, FileZilla file transfer client, Thunar file manager, Geeqie image viewer, Rhythmbox music player and SMPlayer video player.

The system is under active development since June 2011.
Until February 2012, it was based on Ubuntu, and after that has been moved to Debian (Live Build).

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2 thoughts on “Window Maker Live”

  1. A new prerelease version, now based on Debian/Jessie, has been released a few days ago. The current download is meant only for testing purposes and is not yet full production quality. If you are interested to help shaping how the next wmlive should be, now is your chance to test it and provide feedback:

  2. New release 12.8 based on Debian/Bookworm and updated packages is available since a few days already. It has a special focus on up to date GNUstep.

    See for further details.


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