
Last Updated on: 3rd July 2023, 12:39 pm

Web site:
Origin: Portugal
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Fedora
Wikipedia (ES): Vixta
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 0.98 | November 14, 2007
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Open Xange / eZeY

Vixta – a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to be user-friendly and eye-catching, similar in look and feel to Windows Vista. It trying to bring Linux to the masses, not just sysadmins.

Vixta main attraction is to simulate the environment offered by Windows Vista, called Aero, with the objective of attracting users from Microsoft Windows, taking advantage of the visual appeal of this.

It uses customized KDE based Desktop Environment with Aero theme and popular pre-installed applications, such as:
– OpenOffice – an Office Suite similar to Microsoft Office
– Firefox internet browser, Pidgin instant messaging software and Mozilla Thunderbird e-mail client
– media players, including Amarok
– ClamAV – an antivirus which allows to scan files looking for Viruses intended to infect Windows.

Vixta changed its name to Xange, then to Simplis, then to Open Xange, and next to eZeY, and now to Kedora.

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