Trustix Secure Linux

Last Updated on: 24th May 2023, 01:30 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Norway
Category: Server
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Red Hat
Wikipedia: Trustix Secure Linux
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 4.8.1 | June 23, 2008

Trustix Secure Linux – a Linux distribution intended for use on servers and focused on security and stability.

Trustix Secure Linux includes the open standards based SoftWare UPdater, SWUP, which keeps all software packages up-to-date, resolves library dependencies and integrates public key cryptography to ensure safety and security.

Trustix was created by Trustix AS in 1997, but went bankrupt in 2003.
Comodo Group bought the assets in November 2003. Shortly thereafter Comodo announced the end of the free version of Trustix Secure Linux.

After 2005, Trustix Secure Linux continues to be maintained by a very small team of developers in India.
By late 2007 Comodo announced that it will discontinue all distribution, updates and direct support for Trustix Secure Linux effective December 31, 2007.

The latest version 4.8.1 is a fully-featured, secure and has advanced capabilities including the intuitive Xsentry easy-to-use administration graphical user interface with WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) front end which has drag and drop security policy deployment.

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