Last Updated on: 7th October 2023, 07:31 pm

Web site:
Origin: Poland
Category: Developers
Desktop environment: KDE, Fluxbox, WindowMaker
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slax
Wikipedia (PL): TeaM-TL
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 5.5.1 (?) | January 2006

TeaM-TL (previously: Slax-TL) – a Slax based Linux distribution which features a typesetting system TeX, created on the end of 2004 by GUST (Polska Grupa Użytkowników Systemu TeX / English: Polish Users Group of TeX System).

Main goal of TeaM-TL is ready to use environment for TeXing with modern operating system and tools located on one standard, bootable CD-ROM. Next goals CD is promotion of TeX.

The base system of Slax has been polonized and supplemented so Polish TeX users have a portable, comfortable and aesthetic environment ready for work.
In addition to TeXLive, users can find pre-configured editors: Emacs, Vim, Kile, LyX, and there are graphics processing tools (GIMP), professional charts (gnuplot), server (Samba) for easy file sharing with Windows computers and a small and fast web server (thttpd). All editions include CVS and Subversion as well.

Starting in June 2005, there are CD (700MB) and DVD (> 1.3GB) editions available for users. The DVD edition is expanded and features many additional tools and programs. Scientific applications have been added (Octave, Maxima, Scilab),, KDE graphic environment and many more.

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