Tao Linux

Last Updated on: 12th July 2023, 03:59 pm

Web site: www.taolinux.org (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Red Hat
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 4.03 | November 30, 2005

Tao Linux – a Linux distribution based on RHEL which is a very active RHEL clone that tries to be as compatible with RHEL as possible. As the authors say on their pages, it is a distribution based on RedHat Enterprise Linux source packages.

The installation did not differ from the distribution of CentOS, Fedora or other distributions built on RedHat. So it is the same Anaconda installer with the same installation procedure identical to other clones.

Like CentOS and other RHEL clones, Tao Linux has almost identical controls and looks. So who ever came to RedHat or Fedora to come in will be at home and in this distribution. This distribution contains the Magicdev package, so the embedded media is automatically detected and the corresponding application is opened.

Although Tao Linux is a distribution as well as RHEL primarily designed for the server, it can be used on a desktop as well. Its great plus is compatibility with RHEL, so for a long enough time nobody should have trouble updating.

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