

Web site: Origin: Category: Specialist Desktop environment: KDE Architecture: x86 Based on: Slax Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 3.1 | March 15, 2010 SCLive – a modular live Linux distribution dedicated to the OSCI SystemC simulator and it’s associated libraries. The distribution provides a fully working environment including a simulator … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: Poland Category: Security Desktop environment: KDE Architecture: x86 Based on: Slax Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 26feb08 | February 26, 2008 Russix – a live CD Linux distribution for wireless penetration testing & WEP cracking. It’s Slax based distro, which is based on the Slackware … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: KDE Architecture: x86 Based on: Slackware, Slax Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: | August 19, 2007 Mutagenix (myoot’-a-jen-iks) – a dynamic and mutable a Linux live CD based on Slackware Linux and Linux-Live build scripts. Slapt-get is the foundation … Read more

Linux DaVinci

linux davinci

Web site: Origin: Italy Category: Desktop Desktop environment: KDE Architecture: x86 Based on: Slax Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: R4 | May 8, 2008 Linux DaVinci – a simple development Linux distribution made with a KISS logic. Just run it as a Live CD and you’re good to go. No … Read more

Wormux Live CD

wormux live cd

Web site: Origin: Category: Game Desktop environment: GUI Architecture: x86 Based on: Slax Wikipedia: Warmux (game) Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 1 | January 27, 2007 Wormux Live CD (WLCD) – a Live Linux distribution, based on Slax, and features an open-source game called Wormux. WLCD is based on Slax 5.1.8, … Read more

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