
Last Updated on: 14th September 2023, 04:24 pm

Web site:
Origin: Italy
Category: Education
Desktop environment:
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu ?
Wikipedia (IT): So.Di.Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: Orizzonti 2017 | November 2017

So.Di.Linux – a Linux distribution which features collection of educational software for Linux. It contains free and open source software and is distributed under the GPL 2.0 license. It is a distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system, bootable in live mode, equipped with specific programs for teaching and learning.

The 2017 version of So.Di.Linux Orizzonti is compatible with Linux Mint 18/Ubuntu Mate 16.04 distributions.

So.Di.Linux is created by the Institute for Didactic Technologies (ITD-CNR), born from an initial collaboration with AICA (Italian Association for Computer Science and Automatic Calculation) and is distributed in two formats: DVD and CD live media with possibility to install it on a hard drive.

The first versions of So.Di.Linux were published between 2003 and 2005 and worked on CD-ROM (at the time very popular in Italian schools) the latest version (with long-term support) was published in 2017 .

Since 2014, collaborations with CTS have been formalized and other versions of SoDiLinux CTS have been created with particular attention to inclusive education and a software repository has also been created that is also open to users of other versions of Linux.

So.Di.Linux offers teachers a large number of free educational software, tools for inclusion, guides, manuals and information sheets taken from the “Service for documentation and guidance on educational software and other digital resources for learning “managed by ITD-CNR; these cards contain information about the school level, the subjects of reference and information about further documentation available online.

So.Di.Linux contains numerous educational software and tools for creating multimedia educational content and for interacting with IWBs (Interactive Multimedia Whiteboards) organized in special menus through a categorization – not present in other distributions – by school level, purpose of use and in alphabetical order; it is also equipped with multiple (free) tools for socio-educational inclusion:
– screen reader
– augmentative communication software (AAC)
– D.S.A. clearing tools and B.E.S.
– easy access tools.

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1 thought on “So.Di.Linux”

  1. Ta dystrybucja nadal ma się obrze i jest rozwijana.


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