Last Updated on: 22nd May 2023, 07:34 pm

Web site: rlsd2.dimakrasner.com (not active)
Origin: Israel
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: JWM
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Damn Small Linux
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 04012015 | January 5, 2015
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: RLSD

RLSD – Retro Linux Software Distribution (previously: DSLR Damn Small Linux Remake) – minimalistic and independent developed, based on DSL (Damn Small Linux), Linux-libre distribution targeted to very old machines.

The distribution started as DSLR, but changed its name to RLSD in September 2014.

The system features ultra lightweight JWM window manager and applications such as:
– Internet: Dillo, Lynx, XChat, guiftp, Sypelheed, ircII
– Multimedia: xhippo, AlsaMixer
– Graphics: mtPaint, GTK See, gcolor, Xaos, Webcam Viewer, Screenshot Taker
– Office: Siag, Ted, Calcoo, gcalendar, gv
– Editors: Beaver, gtkedit, Elvis, nano
– File managers: Rox-filer, emelFM, ytree

RLSD offers a graphical user interface to the „packdude” package manager, which lets you check a list of installed packages, install new ones, and remove packages from the system.

Comparing RLSD to many „popular” Linux distributions, RLSD uses tools like that:
– tinyxserver instead of Xorg
– musl instead of glibc
– loksh instead of Bash

The live system is available for 32 or 64 bit machines with BIOS or UEFI motherboard.

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