
Last Updated on: 7th May 2023, 12:37 pm

Web site: puredyne.org
Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Multimedia
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD/DVD
The last version | Released: 9.11 | April 1, 2010
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Puredyne

Puredyne – a Linux distribution, based on Ubuntu and Debian Live, and aimed at creative people, looking for tools outside the standard. It provides the best experimental creative applications alongside a solid set of graphic, audio and video tools in a fast, minimal package. For everything from sound art to innovative film making.

Puredyne contains a set of packages, such as:
– Audio: puredata, supercollider, csound, chuck, ladspa plugins, ardour, audacity, ecasound
– Graphics: gimp, inkscape, fluxus, freej, processing + extras, imagemagick, gthumb, gphoto2
– Multimedia: mplayer, vlc, avidemux, kino, mencoder, transcode, luvcview, xawtv, recordmydesktop
– Streaming: icecast2, ices2, ffmpeg2theora, oggfwd, darkice, darksnow, gstreamer, dvswitch
– Network: firefox, links2, network-manager, wireless-tools, ssh, telnet, gftp, irssi, nfs

Older versions of Puredyne were based on dyne:bolic.

Puredyne development has been made possible by Arts Council England.

The last version of Puredyne 9.11 was released in 2010.

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