
Last Updated on: 21st October 2023, 04:02 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Algeria
Category: Specialist, Cluster
Desktop environment: Xfce, GNOME
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 4.1 | December 30, 2016
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: PelicanHPC

PelicanHPC GNU/Linux (formerly: ParallelKnoppix) – a specialized Linux distribution, built on the top of Debian, providing turnkey solutions for computer clusters.

A cluster of computers – a group of interconnected computing units that work together to provide an integrated work environment.

The PelicanHPC live system is built using scripts from the Debian Live project. To create your own version you only need the ‘live-build’, ‘deboostrap’, ‘rsync’ and ‘make_pelican’ packages. All of them are available on the PelicanHPC live iso image.

The most important advantages of PelicanHPC:
• includes a stable version of OpenMPI, an MPI implementation.
• available for 64 bit processors. Older versions of the system are available for 32-bit machines.
• Includes Linpack HPL benchmark.
• Pelican releases are built and tested using a stable version of Debian GNU Linux.

Pelikan 3.x is based on Debian 7 “Wheezy”.
Pelikan 4.x is based on Debian 8 “Jessie”.

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