
Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Microcomputers
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: Atari
Based on: Independent
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 1979

MicroDOS (later called OS-80) – a disk operating system created by Percom Data Campany in 1979.

The philosophy at Percom is that a DOS for a microcomputer should make minimal demands on available resources while providing essential functions in accessing the disk. These functions include program save and load and a simple means of storing and retrieving data. Random access of the disk should be as easy to perform as sequential access.

MICRODOS was designed around these principles. Its requirements are small – less than 7K of memory and only 5% of a diskette. Once MICRODOS has been loaded into memory (by power-on or reset) it is no longer dependent on the disk for anything. This, along with the low memory requirement, makes a 16K one-disk system quite useful.

OS-80, Percom’s fast extendable BASIC-language disk operating system, is included on diskette when you purchase an initial drive kit. Originally called MICRODOS, OS-80 was favorably reviewed in the June 1980 issue of Creative Computing magazine.

The MicroDOS was developed by Percom Data Campany located in Texas, USA.

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