Lubit Linux

Last Updated on: 22nd June 2023, 07:14 pm

Web site:
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 6 | September 28, 2015
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Lubit Linux

Lubit Linux – a minimal Linux distribution, based on Ubuntu and built around the Openbox window manager.

The distribution is shipped with preinstalled a few applications, such as:
– Thunar file manager
– Leafpad text editor
– Pidgin IM
– Mozilla Firefox web browser
– AbiWord text processor
– Gnumeric spreadsheet
– GNOME MPlayer
– Audacious audio player
– Xfburn CD/DVD
– Transmission bittorrent client
– Synaptic package manager
– Lubit Plasma
– Compton manager
– Conky
– Cairo dock

The default localization of Lubit is Italian.

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