
Last Updated on: 22nd June 2023, 07:18 pm

Web site:
Category: Security
Desktop environment: GNOME
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: OVA
The last version | Released: 2012.1 | May 21, 2012

Mandragora Linux (previously: QuantOS) – a hardened Linux desktop for use in Digital Forensics-Incident Response (DFIR) and Vulnerability Assessments. Mandragora leverages AppArmor security profiles and auditing, LXC Container Sandboxing (Arkose) and Tor and I2P for enhanced privacy.

Mandragora is built upon Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and uses the GNOME3 Classic desktop environment.

It includes some specialist pre-installed applications, such as: Bless, Cryptcat, Dcfldd, DFF, Dsniff, Ettercap, Etherape, Foremost, Fcrackzip, Gddrescue, Guymager, Hping3, John the Ripper, LATK, Netcat, Netexpect, Nikto, Nmap, Ophcrack, OWASP ZAP, Pasco, PDFcrack, Privoxy, Rifiuti2, Scalpel, Scapy, Spikeproxy, Sqlmap, TestDisk, Tor, Torsocks, Tshark, Tcpxtract, Vidalia, W3af, Web-sorrow, Wireshark, Xplico, Zenmap,

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