Games Knoppix

Last Updated on: 6th May 2023, 01:16 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Germany
Category: Game
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 4.0.3-0.3 | September 14, 2005
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Games Knoppix

Games Knoppix – a live, an entertainment-oriented Linux distribution based on Knoppix.

Games Knoppix offers 100 (approx) open-source games pre-installed on the board. There are no proprietary games such as Unreal Tournament 2004, Quake 3 Arena, NeverWinter Nights, or any other GNU/Linux-compatible commercial entertainment programs.

The games included in the live iso: Marble Blast Gold Demo (OpenGL), Mutant Storm Demo (OpenGL), Space Tripper Demo (OpenGL), Think Tanks Demo (OpenGL), Ufo AI (XMas Special) (OpenGL), Asciijump, Atanks, Bzflag (OpenGL), Bzflag-Server, Crack-Attack (OpenGL), Crimson, Crossfire-Client-GTK, Crossfire-Client-X11, Cube, Empire, Enigma, Foobillard (OpenGL), Freeciv-Client, Freeciv-Client-GTK, Freeciv-Server, Freesci, Gltron (OpenGL), Gnuchess, Gnugo, Jump’n’Bump, Kbattleship, Kmahjongg, Kobodeluxe, Ksokoban, Lbreakout2, Lgeneral, Nethack-Console, Nethack-Gnome, Nethack-Lisp, Nethack-Qt, Nethack-X11, Netpanzer (OpenGL), Neverball (OpenGL), Pysol, Scorched3d (OpenGL), Tower Toppler, Battle for Wesnoth, Battle for Wesnoth Editor, Battle for Wesnoth Server, Xarchon, Xblast, Xblast-TNT, Xboing, Xgalaga, Xskat, Xsoldier.

The knx2hd installation program is provided with the distribution, but it is not listed in the KDE menu. This utility installs Games Knoppix to your hard drive, should you decide that you like it enough to keep it as a permanent operating system.

Games Knoppix features some different applications, not only games, such as:
– multimedia: XMMS, Xine, K3b, KsCD, and Audaxcity
– net: Konqueror, Mozilla 1.7.3 with the Java and Acroread plug-ins, Gaim, Xchat2
– others: ZSNES, DOSbox emulator

It is based on Knoppix 4.0 and KDE 3.3.1 is the default desktop environment.
The last version of Games Knoppix was released in 2005.

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