Last Updated on: 20th October 2023, 04:21 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Iran
Category: Security, Pentest
Desktop environment: Ratpoison
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: NetBSD
Media: Live USB
The last version | Released: 8.0 | January 7, 2019
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: irBSD

irBSD – a digital forensics kit based on the NetBSD operating system designed for cryptography, penetration testing, data recovery, reverse engineering, privacy protection and other security tasks.

irBSD is based on the NetBSB operating system, uses ‘pkgin’ for package management and the Ratpoison window manager as a default desktop. irBSD is configured for USB drives on x86_64 platforms.

Requires a USB drive with a minimum size of 8 GB.

User: irBSD

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