Firefly BSD

Last Updated on: 22nd August 2023, 03:39 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA ?
Category: Server
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: DragonFly BSD
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 1.4 ? | September 14, 2004 ?

Firefly BSD – a commercially-supported operating system based on industry DragonFlyBSD a fork of FreeBSD. It comes with complete source and binaries for the kernel, compiler, libraries, and user utilities. In addition, thousands of contributed programs have been ported to Firefly BSD and are included in the 4-CDROM set.

A LiveCD that you can boot and run off without having to install anything on your hard drive.
A parallelized networking stack that allows for better use of multiprocessors than the serialized approach taken in FreeBSD 5.
It offers a choice of KDE 3 or Gnome 2 graphical environments on top of XFree86-4.4.0.
Ability to run Microsoft Windows network drivers to support an even wider range of network devices.

The project developer is David Rhodus.

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