
Last Updated on: 22nd May 2023, 07:39 pm

Web site: movix.sourceforge.net
Origin: Italy
Category: Multimedia
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slackware
Wikipedia (DE): MoviX
The last version | Released: 0.9.0rc1 | August 14, 2004

eMoviX (previously: MoviX, MoviX2) – a light media distribution that supports streaming, TV cards, slideshows, internet radio, infrared controllers and others. MoviX can boot from CDs, HDDs, USB Flash Drives, CompactFlash cards and network. MoviX2 is a spin-off project that features X alongside the usual MoviX configuration.

eMoviX is a tiny GNU/Linux distribution that plays video files when booted, based on MPlayer. It is utilized by MoviXMaker-2 and K3b.

eMoviX package allows you to create bootable CD which able to boot & autoplay your multimedia files.

The project developer is Roberto De Leo.
It was under development between 2002 and 2005.

No iso image is available, but the ’emovix’ package is intended to build a bootable iso image by yourself.

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