easys GNU/Linux

Last Updated on: 17th May 2023, 06:57 pm

Web site: easys.eu (not active)
Origin: Germany
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slackware
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 4.2 | September 29, 2008

easys GNU/Linux – (previously: pocketlinux) is a Linux distribution based on the oldest and active Slackware distribution.

The most important features are: stability, speed, ease of use, ease of maintenance, long time security support, a simplified Slackware installer and one application per task. The Slackware packages used in easys are unmodified, so 100% compatibility is guaranteed.

The latest version of easys 4.2 contains the KDE 4.1.1, QT 4.x, but applications specific to QT3/KDE3 can still be launched by using a compatible library. This release also includes Firefox web browser 3.0.1 and the KOffice suite.

The distribution was developed by former developers of discontinued Bonzai Linux.

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