
Last Updated on: 10th May 2023, 04:37 pm

Web site: www.dracolinux.org
Origin: Norway
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Slackware
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 1.0.1 preview | May 9, 2014

DracoLinux – a Linux distribution based on Slackware Linux and a package management system called “pkgsrc” which is developed by NetBSD.The main goal of DracoLinux is providing a free operating system with focus on simplicity and flexibility.

Draco has an distinct separation between the base system and third-party (provided by pkgsrc), the advantage of this approach is that the base system will work without third-party. The third-party applications are completely isolated from the base system, unable to break your system.

The system is provided as installable CD iso image which can run the installer in graphical based user interface.

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