
Last Updated on: 14th May 2023, 11:26 am

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Multimedia
Desktop environment: Gnome
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Wikipedia (es): ArtistX
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2.0 | October 31, 2018
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: ArtistX

ArtistX – a Linux distribution, based on Ubuntu, and designed for multimedia tasks. It transforms a personal computer into an audio, video and graphics production studio.

ArtistX contains a large set of free multimedia software packages for audio, 2D/3D graphics and video production, such as:
– Video: Cinelerra, Openshot, Kino, Openmovie Editor, Kdenlive, Pitivi, Avidemux, Devede
– Audio: Ardour, Cecilia/Csound, Rosegarden, TerminatorX, GNUSound
– 2D Graphics: Gimp, Inkscape, Nip2, Krita, Synfig, Rawstudio, Skencil, Hugin
– 3D Graphics: Blender, Wings3D, K3D
– Audio & Video Players: MPlayer, Videolan, Xine, Kaffeine, Kmplayer, LastFM

The live system is available as 32 bit compatible iso image, but can be used on 64 bit machines as well.

The project was active between 2006(?) and 2013.
The project founder and developer is Marco Ghirlanda (from Italy).

The project re-started in 2017 under new development of Brandon Nelson.

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2 thoughts on “ArtistX”

  1. Helo My name is Brandon Quam. The Artist X project has been taken over by Us at We are contacting you to request a website information update. I am the only remaining Developer since Marco Ghirlanda. Resigned from the original team. Sorry for the late reply. We are soon going to release an ARTIST X 2.0 with many new features including our own repository.

  2. this listing said it is from Italy. We took over and it is now a United States based Software. And no longer an Open source project. We have two versions. One is Ubuntu based and will remain Under the GNU-GPL then we have the Artist X pro that is not Ubuntu based and is closed source. We sell the pro software for $55 Per user per computer. See us at soon to be


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