Last Updated on: 12th August 2023, 03:26 pm

Web site: zexos.org (not active)
Origin: Czech Republic ?
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GUI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent ?
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 0.6.4 | June 26, 2009

ZeX/OS – a simple operating system written in C and assembly languages and published under GNU/GPL license version 3.

ZeX/OS provides you many different apps you can use everyday. There are favorite apps like irc client, netcat client, email client, web client, web server, text editor, music player, remote control server, some games, calculator, graphical user interface, etc.

– Archs: x86, x86_64, ARM
– Mode (i386): protected
– Supports: preemptive multitasking, shell, commands, multitty, paging, networking, graphical environment, 2D and 3D (OpenGL) graphics
– Drivers: built-in (floppy, video, keyboard, rs232, lba, vga, vesa, pci, mouse, speaker, pcnet32, rtl8029, rtl8139. rtl8169, AC’97)
– Apps: elf executable (irc, websrv, webcl, nc, wm, openchess, im, telnetd, sh, imgshow, zde, zjab, zasm, ..), built-in (fdisk, hdcat ..)
– Filesystem: zexfs, fat12, fat16, iso9660, ext2, vfs, znfs
– Networking: ipv6, ipv4, tcp, udp, icmp, arp, ndp, dns, ips, tunnel broker, unix

Administrator account:
login name: root
Password: root

Guest account:
Login name: guest
Password: guest

The project developer is Tomas Jedrzejek.

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