Zenix OS

Last Updated on: 6th September 2023, 04:25 pm

Web site: zenix-os.net (not active)
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 9.10 | November 15, 2009

Zenix OS – a custom Ubuntu respin with a Buddhist Theme and the Xfce desktop environment as default.

The goals of the project are :
– Community – Zenix would like to continue the tradition of an Ubuntu “Buddhist Edition”. This is achieved primarily via themes and the inclusion of Buddhist Bookmarks in Firefox. The Buddhist content is “soft” and for non-Buddhists should be non-intrusive.
– Security – Zenix includes an active firewall (iptables configured with GUFW) and AppArmor is configured out of the box (with custom profiles for network aware applications).
– Compatibility with Ubuntu – Zenix uses the standard Ubuntu repositories and we hope to release Zenix in sync with Ubuntu.

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