Last Updated on: 1st June 2023, 10:57 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 1.01 | January 1, 2008

VAFEO – a set of Linux based distributions, based on Debian GNU/Linux.

VAFEO covers almost most of the computing needs of business and individual users. It is designed to offer open source applications among the most reputable.

Each VAFEO distribution consists a Debian “Lenny” base and a set of applications.
VAFEO is available as a Live-CD/DVD that allows users to perform a rapid assessment distributions.

Distributions beginning with “vs_” contain ‘server’ applications, “vd_” refer to “Desktop” versions.

The latest VAFEO 1.01 offers 5 server and 6 workstation distributions:

1. vs_business – a collection of eBusiness open source applications:
– CRM applications: centraview, crmctt, egroupware, hipergate, sugarcrm, vtiger, xrms
– eCommerce applications: openedit, oscommerce, oscmax, thelia, zencart
– ERP applications: adempiere (fork of Compiere), dolibarr, ofbiz_neogia, ofbiz_opentaps
– Marketing applications: openads, phplist

2. vs_content – a large number of managers of the content has been integrated into this distribution:
– CMS applications: blogcms, corinis, egroupware, exponent, hipergate, jaws, lenya, limbo, meshcms, mmbase, nucleus, opencms, openedit, ovidentia, pligg, postnuke, runcms, spip, textpattern, typo3, wordpress, xoops
– ECM applications: alfresco, nuxeo
– eLearning applications: atutor, claroline, dokeos, moodle, sakai
– Portals application: drupal, exo_portal, guppy, jahia, jboss_portal, joomla, liferay_portal, lutece, mambo, uportal

3. vs_enterprise_php – a distribution which integrates the best PHP applications in each category of business applications (ERP, CMS, ECM, eCommerce, Groupware, Portal, WebMail, VoIP, HelpDesk and Marketing).

4. vs_manage – applications of this distribution contribute to management of infrastructure. It features Help Desk tools like glpi, ocs-ng, as well as tools such as nagios and zabbix monitoring. The Sync4J technology-based application is also present for need of data synchronization. Webmail servers known as horde, ilohamail, and squrirelmail are also pre-installed.

5. vs_team – included applications of collaborative work. A multitude of tools (about 60 applications) are available in this distribution: Servers FAQ, Forums, Groupware, Blogs, Wiki.

6. vd_xdesktop – a general distribution for desktop users, which offers Xfce4 desktop environment, and a set of Xfce4 and Gnome applications.

7. vd_office – a distribution for desktop’s workstation, suitable for an office environment. The classics of the genre, OpenOffice 2.2, Planner, DIA drawing tool as well as GIMP are part of vd_office. A set of tools to access the ‘central’ systems (MVS, Unix, Windows) is also included.

8. vd_easy_eclipse – EasyEclipse has been integrated with the system base, with some Eclipse plugins to meet the various and diverse development needs. This integration, based on Eclipse Calisto (a stable version of Eclipse), offers the most common application development environments today today: LAMP, C/C++, Java, JEE, Python, Ruby, etc.

9. vd_home – a playful environment for the family. This distribution offers the MMS (My Media System) environment as a multimedia station, PeerTV and Miro with over 3000 channels internet television for the pleasure of users. Also karaoke tools, video editing, playback of Ipod, etc. contribute to the playful spirit of this distribution.

10. vd_arts – all the ‘big’ software of design and video editing, such as GIMP, Blender, Cinelerra, Kino, Scribus, Inkscape, Hugin,… are included in vd_arts to offer an environment tailored to the artists. Real professional graphic studio is this distribution.

11. vd_audio – distribution for musicians. The best free software for music come together in this distribution as a professional recording studio. Sound lovers find Mixxx, effects of all kinds, Rosegarden and Ardour.

All of the distributions are based on the same base of Debian, with an automatic recognition for nVidia and ATI graphics cards. If the cards are not too old, the 3D effects of compiz-fusion can be activated simply in the graphical environment VAFEO via the 3D desktop choice.

The latest version of VAFEO was released in 2008

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