
Last Updated on: 26th April 2023, 02:36 pm

Web site: (not active)
Category: Education
Desktop environment: LXDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Arch Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2010.1.1 | February 22, 2010

UKnow4Kids – Arch Linux based, a Live DVD, and an educational Linux distribution with a selective compilation of educational and gaming software for children 2- to 10-years-old.

The live media includes options which let the live system run without swap or by copying the contents of the ISO image to RAM and run the operating system from there, ejecting the bootable medium.

UKnow4Kids features preinstalled educational games and applications, such as:
– Gcompris Educational Suite
– Edutainment from the KDE Education Project
– Tuxpaint, Tux Math, and Tux Type
– Blinken
– KAlgebra, KBruch, KGeography, KHangMan, KLetters, KStars, KTouch, KTurtle, KWoerdQuiz, Kalzium, Kanagram, Kig, Kiten, Kmplot, Marble, Parley, Step

UKnow4Kids uses lightweight LXDE as a default desktop environment and SLiM display manager.
The Live system launches Gcompris automatically at start boot on the top of LXDE.

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