
Last Updated on: 2nd May 2023, 03:08 pm

Web site:
Origin: Germany
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE, Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Gentoo
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 01.2013 | December 30, 2012
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Toorox

Toorox – a Linux distribution based on Gentoo Linux, available as a Live DVD with an option of a hard or USB drive installation. The system is based on the source packages and fully compatible with Gentoo.

Toorox live uses KNOPPIX hardware auto-detection and auto-configuration scripts for booting.
It features applications to every purpose, such as: web browsers, e-mail client, file manager, office, burning software, audio player, video player, videocut, image processing, chat programs, etc. The system and the desktop are completely preconfigured.

Toorox supports 11 languages: German, English, Italian, French, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Romanian, Turkish, Czech and Polish.

Toorox is a partly-rolling distribution.
For package managing, Toorox uses the Gentoo’s port system „Portage” and its GUI’s:
– Porthole to manage system upgrading
– Portato which lets you install and remove packages

Toorox is available in a few flavors, for 32 and 64 bit machines:
– Xfce
– Lite (very downgraded edition of XFCE)

The latest edition of Toorox was released in December 2012 by now.

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1 thought on “Toorox”

  1. I lost my copy of toorox a gentoo knoppix-installer based distro.
    I found one on but that did not work and the server with all the available toorox-distros, gives 404 not found. Where can I find a copy on the web or can you send one to my email account? Tia


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