
Last Updated on: 24th March 2024, 11:27 am

Web site: tinypawlinux.x10.bz
Origin: unknown
Category: Pentest
Desktop environment: Hackedbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: TinyCore
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.0 | March 23, 2024
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: TinyPaw

TinyPaw – a lightweight and built off Tiny Core Linux distribution, for “Passive & Aggressive WiFi”.

Passive in reference to pre-packaged tools and scripts for the passive and / or collection of packets and data without actively engaging in offensive testing and auditing. Aggressive in reference to pre-packaged tools and scripts that, unlike the previous mentioned actively engage in offensive testing and auditing – whether by DOS, bruteforce, exploitation, etc., WiFi is quite obviously the intended purpose for testing, as we all know wireless access is the achilles heel of most if not all home and / or other internet / network access. That being said, again this distribution and / or software is intended for use and testing on your own wireless network, systems and devices or any that you have explicit permision to test.

Ideal for:
– WiFi / wireless network and systems auditing
– Running from USB / Live CD / VM
– Minimal system footprint and resource consumption
– Intermediate – Advanced skill range
– Those who would like to test and / or know the vulnerabilities of their wireless setup

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