

Web site: webconverger.com Origin: Singapore Category: Web kiosk Desktop environment: Firefox Architecture: x86 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Webconverger Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 35.1 | May 19, 2016 Zobacz po polsku: Webconverger Webconverger – a Debian-based web kiosk that runs in live mode. It is intended for deployments in places such as … Read more



Web site: livekiosk.com (not active) Origin: Category: Web kiosk Desktop environment: Web-interface Architecture: x86 Based on: Morphix Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 1.4.2 | September 25, 2006 EZWebPC – a thin client Linux distribution and administrative interface. Clients boot off the CD-ROM, eliminating the need for a local operating system or … Read more



Web site: sypproject.c-webhosting.org/doku.php/eyenux (not active) Origin: Category: Web Kiosk Desktop environment: Web-interface Architecture: x86 Based on: Mandriva Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 1.2 | November 24, 2007 eyeNux – an operating system which allows you to use your personal data and applications from anywhere in the world, at any time. It … Read more

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