

Web site: www.dynebolic.org Origin: Italy Category: Multimedia Desktop environment: Gnome Architecture: x86 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: dyne:bolic Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 3.0 | September 8, 2011 Zobacz po polsku: dyne:bolic dyne:bolic – a live Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and targeted to media activists, artists and creators. It is able to … Read more



Web site: www.sabily.org Origin: France Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Gnome Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Sabily Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 11.10 | December 19, 2011 Sabily (formerly: Ubuntu Muslim Edition) – a Linux distribution based on the Ubuntu, designed by and for Muslims. Sabily offers the Arabic language support … Read more

Ubuntu Christian Edition

ubuntu christian edition

Web site: ubuntuce.com Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: GNOME Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 22.04.2 | March 9, 2023 Zobacz po polsku: Ubuntu Christian Edition Ubuntu Christian Edition – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution which doesn’t bring Christianity to Linux but brings Linux to … Read more

Ubuntu Satanic Edition

ubuntu satanic edition

Web site: ubuntusatanic.org Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: GNOME Architecture: x86 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 666.11 | November 15, 2012 Ubuntu Satanic Edition – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution which brings together the best free software and free metal music on one CD. Alongside the metal … Read more

Qimo 4 Kids

qimo 4 kids

Web site: qimo4kids.com (not active) Origin: USA Category: Education Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 2.0 | May 27, 2010 Zobacz po polsku: Qimo 4 Kids Qimo 4 Kids – a Linux distribution designed for young users from 3 years old and above. Qimo … Read more

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