Last Updated on: 2nd May 2023, 04:48 pm

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Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Security, Pentest
Desktop environment: Fluxbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 0.1 | January 13, 2004

Knoppix-STD – a Linux-based collection of open-source security tools placed on the top of Knoppix LiveCD.

It is a live Linux distribution, so it runs from a bootable CD in memory without changing the native operating system of the host computer.
STD uses Linux kernel 2.4 and the very light Fluxbox window manager.

STD focuses on information security and network management tools.
There are a large set of security tools pre-installed and divided into the categories:
– authentication
– encryption utilities
– firewalls
– penetration tools
– vulnerability assessment
– forensic tools
– honeypots
– intrusion detection
– packet sniffers and assemblers
– network utilities
– wireless tools
– password auditing (crackers)
– servers

Knoppix-STD 0.1 has been released in 2004.
Make sure that Knoppix-STD is in not related to Knoppix which is created by Klaus Knopper.

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