
Last Updated on: 22nd May 2023, 07:54 pm

Web site:
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: LXDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2.3 | March 4, 2014

StarOS – a free i386 (32bit) version Linux based operating system with OSX look and feel lots of extras included. It is based on Lubuntu, and tagged to old slower computers.

Star OS features slightly modified LXDE desktop, which reminds OSX look and feel.

Main features:
– extremely lightweight LXDE Desktop Environment
– both Chromium and Firefox web browsers and more internet tools
– Abiword office software included as well as Gimp etc.
– 32 bit Linux based OS with the look and feel of OSX
– run live CD or install – easily setup dual booting both Windows and StarOS

The project changed its name to mintyMac.

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