RestartParty Linux

Last Updated on: 5th November 2023, 05:48 pm

Web site:
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: LXDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: alpha2 | July 26, 2014

RestartParty Linux (previously: BortoKnop) – a Knoppix based Linux distribution. RestartParty Linux aim to create a purely livecd distribution based on Knoppix with all the tools and software you need to repair Linux, backup file and solve every software pc-related problem.

– Super well-working live environment
– Samba support
– Web browser (dillo and midori)
– Gparted (partitioning software)
– GSmartControl (S.M.A.R.T. hard disk testing software)
– Partimage (backup software)
– Safecopy (copy from damaged disk)
– TestDisk (repair damaged or deleted partition)
– Shredder (delete safely files)
– Nwipe (reeeeealy delete disk, if you’re paranoid)
– Rsync Backup (gui for Rsync tool, useful for compressed backup)
– MiniCopier (simple copy utility with speed control and resume)
– ClamTk (the notorious antivirus)
– Ophcrack (crack all windows password… no rainbow tables included)
– FileZilla (ftp client)
– System profiler and benchmark
– Chntpw (windows password reset utility)
– XdiskUsage (found larger directory)
– Bootrepair (one-click grub repair and partition logger)
– Memtester (test memory in user space)

The latest version of RestartParty Linux alpha2 is based on Knoppix 7.2.

The project founder is Davide Bortolami.

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