
Last Updated on: 8th August 2023, 05:15 pm

Web site: www.sprezzos.com (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 1.1.1 | April 29, 2013

SprezzOS – a Debian “unstable” based Linux distribution dedicated to the lost arts of high performance, robust computing, and freewheeling hackery.

SprezzOS is derived from Debian, and is an active member of the Debian Derivatives Census. While SprezzOS is a product of Sprezzatech, which retains final control over its definition, contributions from the community are actively welcomed.

All SprezzOS development is open, and has been from the beginning. SprezzOS at its heart is a rolling, rapidly-evolving operating system atop the Linux kernel; when the term “SprezzOS” is used by itself, it is this continuum (the “trunk”) which is referenced.

It is intended that users generally install this trunk, and rely on its frequent updates. From time to time, a snapshot will be taken of the distribution, defining a more static release. New installation media will be released as minor version updates to these releases as the need arises.

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