
Last Updated on: 2nd May 2023, 04:32 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME, Consort
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia: SolusOS
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 1.3 | February 18, 2013
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Solus

SolusOS – a Debian based, beginner-friendly Linux distribution with GNOME 2 desktop.

SolusOS 1.x is based on stable version of Debian GNU/Linux “Squeeze”, and the first release was published in May 2012.
It features the GNOME 2 desktop, a set of applications for everyday tasks, such as: LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, XChat, OpenShot Video Editor, Transmission, VLC, PlayOnLinux, Java and Flash plugins, Synaptic package manager, etc.
SolusOS FirstRunWizard helps installing non-free drivers for NVidia and ATI graphics cards.

The next release of SolusOS 2 was built from stretch.
It used GNOME 2 desktop and then its own fork of GNOME 2 Flashback (the GNOME 3 Fallback Mode), called “Consort”.
The project has been closed in 2013.

The founder and developer of SolusOS is Ikey Doherty.

There is another project develops by Ikey – EvolveOS, which uses Budgie desktop. It was renamed to Solus in 2015, so make sure that SolusOS and Solus are two different projects.

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1 thought on “SolusOS”

  1. SolusOs1.3-Eveline, a great Debian Linux OS. It has everything and on the places where I expected. 2 problems, it no longer connect to a secure Debian update site and even under “wine” wants Brothers Keeper (BK7.2) don’t work.

    Please help to solve this, SolusOs1.3-Eveline is great and exactly what every Win7 and WinXp user needs!


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