
Last Updated on: 22nd June 2023, 07:35 pm

Web site:
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 7.0.1 | April 14, 2015
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Semplice

Semplice – a lightweight and fast Linux distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux and Openbox window manager.

For “normal” works, Semplice needs i686 CPU and 384MB RAM memory at least.

Starting from version 7, Semplice features desktop Vera, which is a fork of Openbox.

Semplice is available in two editions: Current and Workstation.

The Current variant is based on the unstable (“Sid”) branch, which contains the latest version of all your favorite applications. And it also means that everything is rolling-release: you install one time and always get the latest updates, forever. This variant is the most updated one, and will get more feature updates than the other.

The Workstation variant is based on the stable (“Jessie”) branch. This means that you’ll get an heavily-tested, rock-solid set of applications and updates that will be supported for a long time.

The project developer is Eugenio Paolantonio.

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1 thought on “Semplice”

  1. A lot of users included myself will be extremely happy if Semplice will be resumed. It was an Openbox Debian distro based on Sid but extremely stable, performing out-of-the-box, with dynamical updating menu alan, nice theming and lots of other tools for remastering distro. The sources are still available on github for any developers wanting to carry on with the project. A nice spin for Raspberry would also be lovely, for instance.


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