
Web site: www.rhapsodyos.org
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: OPENSTEP/Platinum UI
Architecture: IA-32, PowerPC
Based on: BSD
Wikipedia: Rhapsody
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 1998

Rhapsody – an unfinished project of an operating system for Apple’s Macintosh computers – intended to be a development version of the Mac OS system. The system was to be based on BSD code, and the graphical environment was to be taken from Apple’s core system. Based on the experience from creating Rhapsody, OS X was eventually created.

Rhapsody is the name given to the fifth major version of the Mach based operating system first made by NeXT computer back in the late 1980s. Originally called NEXTSTEP (until version 3.3) and then OPENSTEP (for versions 4.0-4.2), it was renamed again for version 5 after NeXT was acquired by Apple.

One of its compilations worked on x86 processors.

Apple forked Rhapsody into Darwin, an open source operating system that is the foundation for Apple’s current commercial operating systems.

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