
Last Updated on: 5th November 2023, 05:15 pm

Web site: os108.org
Origin: unknown
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: MATE
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: FreeBSD
Media: Install DVD
The last version | Released: 9.1 | November 9, 2020
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: OS108

OS108 – an open source, fast and secure operating system offered as a replacement for Windows and macOS. OS108 is built on the top of NetBSD and provides an easy-to-use system oriented towards home computer users.

OS108’s goal is:
– Open Source standard
– Adopting better licenses for fostering innovation. Prefered license for new development is ISC
– Safe and Secure

OS108 is available as ISO and IMG installation media for x86_64 machines with preconfigured MATE desktop.

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1 thought on “OS108”

  1. Hello,

    Origin: India
    Default DE is XFCE since at least the last release
    It is based on NetBSD, it is written FreeBSD in the tags and ‘Based on: ‘


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