Last Updated on: 15th May 2023, 01:44 pm

Web site:
Origin: Germany
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: Gnome, IceWM
Architecture: x86, SPARC
Based on: OpenSolaris
Media: Live DVD/USB
The last version | Released: 2014.05 | June 4, 2014
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: OpenSXCE

OpenSXCE – an up-to-date distribution in sync for SPARC and x86, and on SPARC it supports all sun4u and sun4v Workstations, Servers, Telcos from the 1995′ Ultra-1 to everything that came to market before 2011. All gfx cards have binary redistributable driver support. The distribution comes with Caiman text-install and gui-install, on CD.iso, DVD.iso and USB (even on select SPARC models).

OpenSXCE includes both GNOME and IceWM desktop environments, as well as a set of popular applications like Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, GIMP, Apache OpenOffice, Pidgin, Time Slider, Songbird, Rhythmbox, DTrace, Ekiga, Wine, Oracle Solaris Studio 12.x professional C/C++ compiler, as well as specific GNOME-based desktop apps.

OpenSXCE creator is Martin Bochnig, who is also (previously) creator of MartUX distribution based on OpenSolaris SXCE.

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