Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Cluster, Server
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: unknown
Based on: BSD (?)
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 1998

NOW (The Berkeley Network of Workstations) – a project seeks to harness the power of clustered machines connected via high-speed switched networks.

By leveraging commodity workstations and operating systems, NOW can track industry performance increases. The key to NOW is the advent of the killer switch-based and high-bandwidth network.

This technological evolution allows NOW to support a variety of disparate workloads, including parallel, sequential, and interactive jobs, as well as scalable web services, including the world’s fastest web search engine, and commercial workloads, such as NOW-Sort, the world’s fastest disk-to-disk sort. On April 30th, 1997, the NOW team achieved over 10 GFLOPS on the LINPACK benchmark, propelling the NOW into the top 200 fastest supercomputers in the world! Click here for more NOW news. The NOW Project is sponsored by a number of different contributers.

The NOW project is being conducted by the Computer Science Division at the University of California at Berkeley.

The project was terminated on June 15, 1998.

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