
Last Updated on: 2nd May 2023, 04:54 pm

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop, Mini distribution
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 0.28 | February 9, 2011
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: MyWolfe

MyWolfe – a Puppy based Linux distribution with Xfce as the default desktop environment.

MyWolfe comes with Xfce desktop instead of Puppy default IceWM, and a set of application foe every purpose, such as:
– Net: Firefox, Ayttm IM client, gFTP
– Graphics: Gimp, Xsane, Viewnior, Gtkam
– Multimedia: Xine, Pburn, IOSMaster
– Office: Abiword, Geany, Gnumeric, NicoEdit, Xcalc, ePDFView
– System: GParted, Hardinfo, Task Manager, Thunar

It has been created using the Woof build system by Bobbe Holmes.
The project’s development has been finished in 2011.

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