Last Updated on: 2nd August 2023, 02:00 pm

Web site: www.lnx-bbc.org (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Rescue
Desktop environment: BlackBox
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 2.1 | May 2, 2003

LNX-BBC (Linux Bootable Business Card) – a minimal, business card sized, independent developed Linux distribution for data rescue.

LNX-BBC provides a reasonably large set of applications that you can use to:
* repair a broken system
* recover a lost system from backup
* save important information to a floppy
* boot any computer as a basic Linux system

Traditionally, you could use software included here to
* install the Debian GNU/Linux base system onto a computer’s hard drive

The LNX-BBC system is based on the Linuxcare Bootable Business Card version 1.6.0. LNX-BBC is an independent project not affiliated with Linuxcare.
Linuxcare is a service mark of Linuxcare, Inc., which does not endorse this distribution or any associated documentation.

Using the LNX-BBC – System requirements:
* An Intel x86 or compatible system with bootable CD-ROM
* 16 MB RAM or more
* Optional VGA monitor

Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Linuxcare, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 Tom Crimi, Duncan MacKinnon, Seth Schoen, Andrew Scott, and contributors

Login as ‘root’ with ‘bbc’ password.
To start a graphical desktop (BlackBox window manager) type: startx

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