
Last Updated on: 15th May 2023, 01:50 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Poland
Category: Education
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: PCLinuxOS
Wikipedia(PL): Linux-EduCD
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 1.0 | June 12, 2009
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Linux-EduCD

Linux-EduCD – a Polish Linux distribution intended for educational use in classrooms inside schools.

Linux-EduCD features a set of pre-installed educational, multimedia, graphics and office applications on the top of KDE 3 desktop environment. More applications were available on the additional DVD disk called „Homepack”, which could be installed as required.
From version 0.9 the system uses PCLinuxOS MiniMe and Mandriva as its base.
Older versions of Linux-EduCD were based on Knoppix and Ubuntu.

The live system is targeted to machines with i386 CPU.
The last version of Linux-EduCd 1.0 „Valis” was released in June 2009.
The system developer is Rajmund Radziewicz.

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