JackLab Audio Distribution

Last Updated on: 10th May 2023, 04:54 pm

Web site: www.jacklab.org
Origin: Germany
Category: Multimedia
Desktop environment: Enlightenment, KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: openSUSE
Media: Install DVD
The last version | Released: 1.0 | September 16, 2007

JAD (JackLab Audio Distribution) – a Linux distribution, based on openSUSE and designed for musicians, producers and media creators.

JAD 1.0 is fully compatible with the openSUSE 10.2. It contains a full production environment for media production, primarily music. It uses a real time Linux kernel based on version 2.6.19 to have fast audio processing with a latency down to 1.5ms.

The default audio system is based on the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) which is designed for the needs of musicians and producers and provides a professional audio/midi controlling interface.

The JAD’s default desktop is Enlightenment 17, but the system installer lets installing KDE desktop environment installed of e17 as well.

The last version of JAD 1.0 was released in 2007.
The distribution developer is Michael Bohle.

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