Grusha Linux

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Ukraine
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Sabayon Linux, Linux Mint
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 3.4 | May 22, 2011

Grusha Linux (укр. Груша-Лінукс) – a Linux distributions based on Sabayon Linux. Previous versions of Grusha Linux were based on Linux Mint and Ubuntu. Starting in 2010, Grusha Linux is based on the Sabayon distribution.

The reason for the creation of this distribution was the lack of a convenient and user-friendly operating system for the Ukrainian user, as well as the desire to show people all the possibilities of free software.

The system was born in 2010 and is based on the Sabayon distribution. Grusha Linux is supported by Ukrainian developers and aims to create the most convenient and user-friendly operating system. There is a large set of educational and office software, so you can even complete a diploma without resorting to third-party tools.

Here are the main system parameters:
– The distribution was developed using modern tools: GCC 4.5.2 and Glibc 2.11.2
– Kernel optimized for Linux desktop system
– Additionally Server-optimized and OpenVZ-enabled kernels in the repository
– Ext4 default file system
– Support for file system encryption
– Modern X.Org server 1.9.4 and the latest Open Source, NVIDIA, ATI/AMD video card drivers
– The most modern stable windowing environment at the time of release, KDE 4.6.2
– 3D desktops (KWin) are activated with one “tick” immediately after installation
– Package manager Entropy1.0_alpha45
– Alternative graphical interface to the Kpackagekit package manager
– LibreOffice 3.3.2 office suite
– Many different games of varying difficulty, including World of Goo Demo – a 2D game of all times
– A huge number of already installed programs of various directions
– Program menus are sorted into categories to make them easier to navigate
– Program settings have been optimized for the Ukrainian user
– Nice appearance

Minimum requirements:
– I686-compatible processor (Intel Pentium IV, Celeron, AMD Athlon)
– 512 MB of RAM
– 17 GB disk space
– 2D Graphics card with support for X.Org

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