
Last Updated on: 18th October 2023, 06:35 pm

Web site: sourceforge.net/projects/edebian/
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME, IceWM, LXDE, OpenBox, XBMC, Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 1 | November 9, 2014

E-Debian GNU/Linux – a Debian based Linux distribution, which goal is to be user-friendly and ease of use.

E-Debian default desktop environment is GNOME3, but the live system also features other window managers such as LXDE, GNOME Classic, Openbox.
It comes with the most common wireless drivers and Synaptic Package Manager, XBMC, Wine, Virtual Box and much more.

It also features PlayOnLinux pre-installed, a front-end GUI to Wine so users can install some Windows programs on GNU/Linux.

There is a lighter version of E-Debian GNU/Linux called E-Debian Lite. This version is better for low resource systems, for example old laptops, netbooks, and old desktops.
LightDM is the session manager, so there is no auto-login in the live session.
Liveuser and password: live
This version includes IceWM, LXDE, XFCE as window managers.

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