
Last Updated on: 11th June 2023, 10:54 am

Web site: (not active)
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slackware
Wikipedia (NO): P!tux Linux
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 2.0 | April 14, 2003

Drinou (previous: P!tux Linux) – a mini Linux distribution, network and office oriented. It is based on Slackware 7.1 (kernel 2.2.19) which can be installed on an ext2 (dedicated partition) file system inside a loopback device (DOS) directory. The installation can be done from DOS to Linux, DOS to DOS, Linux to Linux, umsdos or ftp.

The basic installation requires at least a 486 with 8Mb ram and 105 MB minimum disk space (150 Mb during installation) and includes, among others, the following applications:

In console mode:
Shell bash v2.04, Midnight Commander v4.5.50, Links-2.1, ppp v2.4.0, fetchmail v5.4.5, metamail v2.7, minicom v1.83.1, mutt v1.2.5, ncftp v3.0.1, procmail v3.15, sendmail v8.11.0, tin v1.4.4, wget v1.5.3, telnet, rlogin, finger, nslookup, ping, vrfy, whois, lilo, Boa web-serveur, tiny httd, svncviewer, pure-ftpd, smbclient, pdmenu, tcpspy, exscan, tcpdump, splitscreen, pmfirewall, vpnd 1.10, tinyproxy, tcpdump sox, workbone, aumix, mpg123, ssh, ezipudate, tcpspy, pages de Man en Français et bien d’autre logiciels …

Under Xwindow:
vncviewer, Xwindow 4.01, Xfm, Xtetris, Xdemineur, Xmahjongg, solitaire, Xedit, Gftp, Dillo 0.66, Ted, rxvt, sylpheed 0.85, gphone 0.52, Xchat 1.81, gkrelm, Yahoo-messenger 099.19, Lineneiborhood,

It was designed to revive a 486, first-generation Pentium. It makes it easy to create:
– Internet / intranet terminals
– A gateway / firewall to internet
– An ftp / intranet or web server
– Small desktops, connection with Windows or NT machines is provided in client.

Messaging, a compatible word processor, an excel compatible spreadsheet are available as packages.
In a professional environment, the resources of an intranet server must be used to the fullest advantage of this small distribution.

– Version 1.1 was the first version released.
– Version 1.2 contains bug fixes.
– Version 1.3 has a second web server on port 81 to either launch the connection from a modem (a router / firewall configured machine), a new version of Midnight Commander that supports the Microsoft network (SaMBa), a floppy and a ftp client installation.
– Version 1.4 fixes a bug in the installation file, new browser Links support graphic console, console menu, some docs added, change Xwindow. Siag Office and Abiword are now optional packages.
– Version 1.5 Dillo is now the default web browser, the kernel is passed in 2.2.19, the pages of Man are in French, Xpdf is included.
– Version 1.6 tcpspy is included, gkrelmm also
– Version 1.7 now has the shell in English, mc in French, additional libraries for GTK have been added, Sylpheed email client, IRC client Xchat, Ez-ipupdate, LinNeiborhood (network neighborhood), Gnuplot and Apsfilter also . Always minor bug fixes, the installer has been redone.
– Version 1.8 has all modules 2.2.19 included, Sylpheed 0.85, sound tools, Gphone, Tinyproxy, Vpndd; The install program has been redone; The version is now in tgz to allow installation on pc with 8 MB of ram.
– A umsdos version is available (installation on a DOS partition: FAT16 or FAT32) just recover the file and unzip it to the root of the DOS / Windows partition, (C: or D:) then launch the linux. beats.
– A version without Xwindow is available, it has the same software as Drinou except the support of the sound and of course programs X. Its name is Sonnyou. You will find it in the download page below.
– A bootable ISO image of Drinou-Linux is available as well as a package to create its own iso bootable image. For example, to include the software you want, etc.
– NEW in version 1.9a and 2.0 of drinou and version 1.1a or 1.2 of sonnyou the possibility of using these distrib terminals X, when launching startx the choice is proposed. A clone of vi, epic (client irc), chimera, man pages work on X. Version 2.0 and 1.2 propose a kernel including pcmcia (this is the main difference between the 1.9a and 2.0 drinou and the 1.1a and 1.2 of sonnyou)

The project developer is Jean-Philippe Piers.

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